Mission: To inspire patriotism in action as well as spirit.

National Veterans Day Parade hosted by Birmingham, the first city leading the new holiday in 1947. In the photo taken before parade are members of the family of Raymond Weeks, who led creation of Veterans Day. Center is Hank the Tank, the riderless horse, presented by Patriotism in Action and Compassion Ranch. Left of Hank is Ms. Senior Alabama Kathy Paiml and right Dr. David Dyson, director of Patriotism in Action and Compassion Ranch. PIA donated this banner over 10 years ago for the family to carry to lead the parade, thanks to a grant from the Goodrich Foundation in Birmingham. Photo by Kyle Crider.
Hank the Tank Card (PDF)

The meaning of The Pledge of Allegiance (4 minutes)–Red Skelton on TV

Veterans Day Founding Education Page Tells and Gives More to Teach History and Character

Page for Raymond Weeks, Founder
Options for You on this page to learn and teach:
- Learn and teach more Americans on Who, When, Where Veterans Day Started: Veterans Day Founding History and Character Education
- See Tribute to the Founder of Veterans Day, which Patriotism in Action presents to open festivities with National Veterans Day in Birmingham (birthplace of America’s Veterans Day).
- Riderless horses in Birmingham & Arlington: Caparisoned (Riderless) Horses – Compassion Ranch
- Attend and support National Veterans Day
Advanced info, especially for teachers and patriots wanting to take more action:
- See how Alabama’s contributions to national movements for Veterans Day and Civil Rights adds Freedom to Flourish.
- See the book Patriotism in Action (book that tells how Veterans Day started plus character traits…)
- Review Character Traits initiative page and character traits related to freedoms advanced in Alabama
- See highlights of Personal Leadership for Patriots, which we presented for 17 years following the “September 11” attacks to combine both patriotism in action and personal leadership
Riderless Horse for the Veterans Day Parade Provided by Patriotism in Action
Col. Bob and Nancy Barefield received a donated painting from the artist, Gwen Gorby, and in turn donated the painting to the Alabama National Cemetery on behalf of Patriotism in Action.
Riderless aka Caparison Horse in the Parade

Left: Artist Gwen Gorby, Life Leaders’ Patriotism in Action Chair
Col. Bob (USA Ret.) and Nancy Barefield
Personal Leadership for Patriots at the Southern Museum of Flight before National Veterans Day

Tribute to the Founder (“Driving Force”) of Veterans Day at the Raymond Weeks Memorial, Linn Park, Birmingham, Nov. 10, 2005-2020

Patriotism in Action Core Contributions
Public Services of Patriotism in Action
- Present the “riderless horse” in the Veterans Day Parade since 2006.
- Sponsor the lead parade banner for the Veterans Day Parade.
- Presents programs designed to promote true patriotism and professionalism, such as the Tribute to the Founder of Veterans Day to open national ceremonies in Birmingham each November 10. Organized by Col. Bob (Ret) and Nancy Barefield with Dr. David Dyson as emcee.
- Writes and publishes Patriotism in Action by Dr. David Dyson and Col. “Stretch” Dunn (1943-2017). On the cover of the book, President Reagan pins the Presidential Citizens Medal on Raymond Weeks of Alabama honoring him as the “driving force” for establishing America’s Veterans Day. The book serves as a patriotic guide for teachers, students, veterans, and other patriots, plus as a resource for the nation’s oldest Veterans Day. The book is presented to the National Veteran Award honoree and guest speakers from national veteran organizations.
- Leads America’s National Veterans Day Founding Education Movement to educate America on who-when-where Veterans Day started and the Alabama mandated educational character traits supported–patriotism, courage, perseverance, loyalty, citizenship, plus five more we recommend: freedom, peace, honor, trust, and leadership. Also provide printed materials for educators, students, veterans….
- Posters showing the character traits plus support from Eisenhower and Reagan are displayed in schools, city halls, tourism centers, and veterans chapters by patriots reminding that Veterans Day started here, the significance to students, and why we lead.
- Presented Personal Leadership for Patriots (since the “9-11” attacks in 2001) for almost 20 years.
Patriotism in Action also links with: Freedom City, Freedom to Flourish, and Advance Alabama.
of Alabama on national television 1982.
Life Leaders created this short video for your use in classrooms, veterans events, and civic organizations, and to accompany the handouts and other resource materials found on our Veterans Day Founding Education page. Video contents and approximate times (Total time: 4 minutes 31 seconds):
- Eisenhower-Weeks photo (1946) endorsing “National Veterans Day 1947” (0:12)
- Video clip of Reagan honoring Weeks, the “driving force” for America’s Veterans Day (2:00)–full speech below
- Weeks interview on White House lawn by NBC about how he and Eisenhower launched the national holiday (1:20)
- Jeopardy TV clip: “Father of Veterans Day” (0:20)
- Closing and call to action–US Senate Resolution restoring historical credit to Birmingham, Alabama, Weeks; Tribute to the Founder at the Weeks Memorial photo; Join the Movement; web site address to get more information (0:30)
You Can Take Action!
- Attend events we sponsor and support.
- Subscribe to Life Leaders and/or special list for Patriotism in Action.
- Get and/or donate posters for schools, veterans organizations, city halls, tourism venues, government leaders.
- Donate for events, materials, and educational presentations and pilot programs using the Donate button or mail to: Patriotism in Action; Life Leaders; 354 County Road 33, Calera, AL 35040.
- Get resources, service, or info: Dr. David Dyson and volunteer to help with patriotic events: Col. Bob Barefield.
- Attend the historic National Veteran Award Banquet in Birmingham on the eve of Veterans Day.
- Attend Veterans Day activities with us or in your home town.
Link to Veterans Day Events – National Veterans Day web site: www.nationalveteransday.org
Support Patriotism events and service with donations for posters, books, events, and programs for veterans, students, and the public.

Raymond Weeks Monument with the Patriotism in Action Wreath at the Patriotism In Action Tribute to the Founder (aka “Driving Force” by Reagan) of National Veterans Day, Birmingham, Linn Park, Nov. 10.

Col. Bob Barefield (USA Ret) on the Michael Hart Radio Show telling listeners about Patriotism in Action events supporting Veterans Day (Personal Leadership for Patriots and Tribute to the Founder of Veterans Day), plus more supporting Veterans Day and the Alabama National Cemetery, www.scalnc.org

Chair, Patriotism in Action
ABC news featured Patriotism in Action chair Bob Barefield on “Everyday Hero” by Brenda Ladun, Memorial Day 2016:

Col. Barefield served as chair of the Support Committee for the Alabama National Cemetery
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