7 Proven Steps to Set Achievable Resolutions

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Understand Resolutions and Mindset

Resolutions set typically include goals like “lose weight” and “save money” in the Top 3 Types. Therefore, Physical and Financial areas of life are in the Top 3 priorities–at least for one month.

Two reasons why most people fail.
1. They “say” a resolution but do not “set it” (write the what, how, and why)
2. They do well for a few weeks because they are instinctively uncomfortable with their recent eating and spending habits during holidays, then, because by late January their health and finances feel like their pre-holiday season comfort zones, they feel less motivation. Without extra motivation or accountability, instincts feel comfortable again and actions toward a better self slow or stop.

People are increasingly setting goals to add “meaning” and “purpose” in life, including planning and improving service and impact plus developing self to have capacity to fulfill callings.

And, more are setting “process” goals like “outline my plan” because while writing a mission and vision, goals and resolutions, we can identify our callings and capacities needed better. The probability of taking action increases because we are more likely to internalize the expanded expectations and choose priorities plus share intent with an accountability partner! The process of outlining your plan with key goals, adding how many hours weekly you need to succeed, and assessing how much time you actually spend on priorities can provide the breakthrough you need to fulfill goals that have previously eluded you.

You can link to the Journal of Dr. David Dyson
to read an article about “Achieve More Goals.”

Read Accomplish More Goals online for free!

You can read online, download a free PDF version using the button below, or purchase on Amazon in Kindle format.

Download “Accomplish More Goals: 7 Steps to Set Achievable Resolutions” Goals-and-Resolutions-Planbook-2019.pdf – Downloaded 2356 times – 625.95 KB

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You can outline goals for the 7 Areas of Life on a summary sheet to use and view daily. Then, pick at least one important goal you want to resolve to achieve or to change about yourself or your circumstances.

The 7 Steps will guide you through asking and answering key questions about the results, motivation, and actions needed. Then, you can decide to implement or even postpone–either way, knowing is better that having a “resolution” in mind without commitment, which clutters focus. If you have a big enough “why” and invest enough “T.I.M.E.” you can accomplish or change most anything, including Mastering a Goliath challenging you, which may be circumstance or a character trait creating or allowing the problem circumstance.

What is a “Planbook?” Life Leaders believes we need Planbooks — more than just “Workbooks” so when we learn a principle, concept, or best practice, AND we can plan how to use that information to improve, to serve, to pass on to others. Try these handy tools as other have for free…

More can come: Master Your Goliaths, Hierarchy of Motivating Values, Professional Plan, T.I.M.E., Purpose of Life…

If you value the material given, you can support with a $1 or more donation per copy used so we can develop and implement more. You can help us donate materials in schools, nonprofits, and more. If you work with a proactive foundation or a caring company, you can help us influence policy and resources for teachers, students, and others in our country and beyond. A briefing may add inspiration: David@LifeLeadersInstitute.org