Freedom to Respond Better

We have freedom to choose our response to what happens.

That’s a lesson from Dr. Stephen Covey on a video I shared with Life Leaders at the monthly seminar and meeting.

We can choose character development more than personality. We should include character development in our goals to be better instead of just appear better.

We can choose success with higher courage and commitment. Our results come from choices and actions. We can be better than what we have learned, what we have seen, and what our culture has endorsed.

Action: we can envision our best-selves, write our mission and vision, and take action on one or more priorities to inspire and guide us. We can change the way we have responded in the past. We are responsible for our results as a product of our choices. Even when outside forces act on us, we must own the plans, actions, and results. When we do, we can improve circumstances as well as our own character, including courage and confidence.

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