Agricultural Sustainability and Personal Environmental Leadership


Dr. David Dyson, Triple D Ranch & Farm, Life Leaders Institute, professional practice as author & speaker.

Mission for this Planbook and Seminar

To inspire knowledge and action applying principles and best practices
of healthy sustainable agriculture and personal environmental leadership.


  1. Students grow healthy food using the best of traditional practices plus innovation with your ideas.
  2. Students write plans to implement actions on values and lessons learned from the seminar.
  3. Students write Plans for School & Life and universities teach and reward this best practice.

Goals for Dr. Dyson Serving You

  1. Help students develop Plans for School & Life with applications for growing and buying healthy food.
  2. Present principles and practical applications you can use in your plan now, home, or homestead.
  3. Share examples of what’s working and not so you can pick actions you value—now and after college
Download “Agricultural Sustainability: Personal Environmental Leadership for your Home or Homestead” Planbook-Agricultural-Sustainability-and-Personal-Leadership-2019-03-14.pdf – Downloaded 681 times – 714.25 KB