7 Components of Attitude & Ability to Develop to Earn Empowerment

Dyson Empowerment Model Gold

Summary Concept for Leaders and Professionals to Improve Empowerment

A leader using the Dyson Empowerment Model will consider trust level for the 7 components of Attitude and of Ability to assess whether to delegate or direct for a particular role. The true professional anticipates what the leader expects, assesses self, outlines a plan for keeping promises and developing self, plus states intent so the leader can affirm, suggest change, or provide more training. Cooperation increases and conflict over expectations decreases.

7 Components of Attitude/Character

Use these components of attitude and questions to assess trust in your preparation and perceived trust from a leader (a leader also considers trust for your capacities for these):

  1. Choice—Have I decided to seek my callings, plan and lead my life, and develop qualities to succeed in this role?
  2. Commitment—Do I have a strong desire to succeed? Am I dependable in behavior? Will I persist to see the job through even amidst difficulties?
  3. Character—Do I have good intent? Good impact? Do I keep promises? Am I trustworthy to do the right thing for the organization and people involved, serving above self? Will my integrity help me persevere after the emotion in which I make promises has passed?
  4. Courage—Am I committed enough, tough enough, to act facing fear? Is my motivation/my reason for succeeding big enough to sustain me if times get tough or disappointing?
  5. Confidence—Do I believe in myself, my attitude and ability, and my chances for success? Can I earn trust in myself and from others in my potential?
  6. Connection—Do I feel connected to our purpose, people, and projects? Am I inspired about the organization and its impact? Do I see the cause and group as bigger than my needs?
  7. Charisma—Am I the kind of person sought as a teammate? Am I a worthy example and encourager? Do I have the right kind of charisma, which comes from character-based values and actions, not just personality? Can I attract people by communicating a vision, doing my part, persuading others to serve, and helping them?

Assess yourself and what you need to be prepared instead of wait for the leader to assess you. State your assessment and intent for developing, sharing how the leader can help.

7 Components of Ability/Competence

Understand that a mature, savvy decision-maker/leader will assess what level of trust he has for the attitude and ability you have to fulfill a task, role, project, or mission. Key components of ability include skills (competence to do something well) and knowledge (knowing what to do). These components help you develop knowledge and skills leading to honed instincts:

Key ways to develop your skills:

  1. Experience—doing something, performing…
  2. Practice—preparing in advance for doing, performing…
  3. Habits and Rituals–combining traditions and time priorities to invest in practice and experience to develop ability to do the right things well, instinctively.

Key ways to develop your knowledge:

  1. Education—academic preparation in general studies and areas of major focus or professional preparation.
  2. Training—instruction and/or coaching in principles and practices for doing your job well technically and in life leadership skills like planning, time and energy management, motivation, ethical decision-making…
  3. Self-study—continuous improvement of knowledge.
  4. Observation—watching others to emulate.

The leader can use this model to state intent—how he decides on level of empowerment—and expectations of you (what is needed and when). A true professional includes in his plan ways to develop in priority areas to earn trust in self and from a supervising leader. You and your leader must each develop trust in your competence and commitment to maximize delegation, minimizing over-supervising and conflict. State your intent for development and achievement to help your leader understand your plans and motives, plus find ways to help you succeed reaching your goals for giving as well as gaining.

Source: Earning and Delegating Empowerment Seminar (Dyson) and Professionalism Under Stress (Dunn & Dyson), chapter 2

Professional Practice of Dr. David Dyson

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