Your Best Victory–Plato

“The first and best victory

is to conquer self.”



7 Best Practices for Life Leadership Continuum and 7 Areas of Life

Best-Self Leadership is the first best practice to plan and lead in life.

Joan Dunn donated to Life Leaders a box of books on leadership and professional development Stretch valued. A few folders enclosed included workbooks and handouts that he or we had presented for Life Leaders or other organizations over 25 years.

One of the sheets was from a presentation I invited Stretch to give on Best-Self Leadership, which he gave in 2015. He was trained in it at West Point and committed to it all the years I knew him. The sheet outlined his philosophy and plans to guide his life and to coach others. He listed motivational quotations, including Plato above, and a summary of concepts and covenants to which he was committed.

I thought you would want to know this as well as appreciate the wisdom of ancient Greek philosopher Plato. –David

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